Рекомендации и отзывы клиентов GCS в Украине:
![gcs recommendations](https://gcs-ukraine.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/destocks.jpg)
Global Ingredients SAS
"To whom it may concern,
our company cooperates with GCS Ukraine in credit and risk management field.
We may recommend them as reliable partner, which can provide professional and prompt credit and risk management services." - Marc RESAL/General Manager
"Компания "Ульма Опалубка Украина" рекомендует Global Credit Solutions как компанию с безупречной репутацией, которая всегда идет навстречу клиенту." – Виктория Рябинина / Генеральный Директор
AVS Polska
"This is to express satisfaction of AVS Polska Sp.z.o.o with services provided by Global Credit Solutions Ukraine.
All our experience with GCS Ukraine was very positive. GCS Ukraine was very professional doing its work." – Andrzej Mankowski / Member of the Board
CCI Legal
"This is to express our satisfaction with services provided by GCS Ukraine. All of our experience with Global Credit Solutions Ukraine has been very positive; this company has a history of timely and successful completion of its works." – Carl Hackman / General Manager
![debt collection recommendation](https://gcs-ukraine.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/wcm.png)
WCM Poland Sp. z.o.o.
"WCM Poland recommends GCS Ukraine as reliable partner, which can provide professional credit services in Ukraine." Joanna Sieniakowska/Dyrektor
B4B Forderungsmanagement
"Our company may recommend GCS Ukraine as reliable partner in credit and risk management field." - Wolfgang Ottmann/Managing Partner
![gcs ukraine](https://gcs-ukraine.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/glas.jpg)
Glas Trösch Ukraine
"Glas Trösch Ukraine выражает свою искреннюю благодарность GCS Ukraine за эффективное сотрудничество в области кредитного менеджмента.
Команда GCS Ukraine зарекомендовала себя как надежный и ответственный партнер, мы благодарны Вам за сотрудничество и взаимопонимание с Вашей стороны. "– Шилюк В.В. / Директор